

Sir András Schiff, one of the world’s foremost pianists, makes a guest appearance at Berwaldhallen both as a soloist and as a conductor. He will be playing Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 27, the last work the composer performed in public. Schiff will also conduct the Swedish Radio Orchestra and the Swedish Radio Choir in Schubert’s poignant Mass in E-flat Major – a work inspired by Mozart and also by Schubert´s favorite composer, Beethoven.

Friday’s concert on September 30 will be broadcast live on Sveriges Radio P2 and on Berwaldhallen Play at 7pm.




dot 2022/2023





The Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra is a multiple-award-winning ensemble renowned for its high artistic standard and stylistic breadth, as well as collaborations with the world’s finest composers, conductors, and soloists. It regularly tours all over Europe and the world and has an extensive and acclaimed recording catalogue.

Daniel Harding has been Music Director of the SRSO since 2007, and since 2019 also its Artistic Director. His tenure will last throughout the 2024/2025 season. Two of the orchestra’s former chief conductors, Herbert Blomstedt and Esa-Pekka Salonen, have since been named Conductors Laureate, and continue to perform regularly with the orchestra.

The Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra performs at Berwaldhallen, concert hall of the Swedish Radio, and is a cornerstone of Swedish public service broadcasting. Its concerts are heard weekly on the Swedish classical radio P2 and regularly on national public television SVT. Several concerts are also streamed on-demand on Berwaldhallen Play and broadcast globally through the EBU.


32 professional choristers make up the Swedish Radio Choir: a unique, dynamic instrument hailed by music-lovers and critics all over the world. The Swedish Radio Choir performs at Berwaldhallen, concert hall of the Swedish Radio, as well as on tours all over the country and the world. Also, they are heard regularly by millions of listeners on Swedish Radio P2, Berwaldhallen Play and globally through the EBU.

The award-winning Latvian conductor Kaspars Putniņš was appointed Chief Conductor of the Swedish Radio Choir in 2020. Since January 2019, its choirmaster is French orchestral and choral conductor Marc Korovitch, with responsibility for the choir’s vocal development.

The Swedish Radio Choir was founded in 1925, the same year as Sweden’s inaugural radio broadcasts, and gave its first concert in May that year. Multiple acclaimed and award-winning albums can be found in the choir’s record catalogue. Late 2023 saw the release of Kaspars Putniņš first album with the choir: Robert Schumann’s Missa sacra, recorded with organist Johan Hammarström.

Malin Broman is the first concertmaster of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra since 2008. She served as artistic director of Musica Vitae in 2015–2020, premiering over 20 works and touring and recording extensively. In 2019, she succeeded Sakari Oramo as artistic director of the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra.

As a guest leader, she has been invited to perform with ensembles such as the London Symphony Orchestra, Mahler Chamber Orchestra and the Philharmonia Orchestra. As combined soloist and leader she has performed with the Tapiola Sinfonietta, Nordic Chamber Orchestra, Trondheim Soloists and ACO Collective. Soloist highlights include performances with the Gothenburg Symphony, Copenhagen Phil, BBC Scottish Symphony, Academy of St Martin-in-the Fields, and the Swedish Radio Orchestra, working with such conductors as Neeme Järvi, Andrew Manze and Daniel Harding.

In recent years, she has premiered concertos by Daniel Börtz, Britta Byström, Andrea Tarrodi and Daniel Nelson. She has recorded over 30 albums, including concertos by Carl Nielsen and Britta Byström. Recent releases include an album with music by Laura Netzel, and Stockholm Diary with the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra. Her recording of Mendelssohn’s double concerto together with pianist Simon Crawford-Phillips and Musica Vitae was Grammy nominated in 2019.

She received much acclaim for her recording of Felix Mendelssohn’s string octet in the spring of 2020, where she played all eight parts herself. She has since made two similar recordings: Britta Byström’s octet A Room of One’s Own, and Johan Halvorsens Passacaglia recorded with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra’s solo contrabassist Rick Stotijn.

In 2001, she founded the Change Music Festival in Kungsbacka. She is also co-founder of Kungsbacka Piano Trio, with which she had played more than 700 concerts all ove the world, and of Stockholm Syndrome Ensemble which is made up of some of Europe’s most brilliant chamber musicians.

In 2008, Malin was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. The Kungsbacka Piano Trio has received the prestigious Interpret Prize of the Royal Academy of Music. In 2019, she was awarded H.M. The King’s Medal. She is currently Professor of Viola at Edsberg Institute of Music in Stockholm. She plays a 1709 Stradivarius violin and a 1861 Bajoni viola, both generously loaned by the Järnåker Foundation.


Swedish soprano Johanna Wallroth was thrust into the limelight when she took First Prize at the prestigious Mirjam Helin International Singing Competition in 2019.

Initially training as a dancer at the Royal Swedish Ballet School, Wallroth subsequently focused her principal study on voice and went on to graduate from Vienna’s Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst (MDW).  In 2013, Johanna Wallroth made her operatic debut as Barbarina in Le Nozze di Figaro under Arnold Östman at Ulriksdal Palace Theatre, Stockholm. Efter that she has regularly appeared on stages in Sweden and worldwide, for example as Despina in Cosi fan tutte at Schlosstheater Schönbrunn Wien and as Pamina in Die Zauberflöte at Moscow’s Gnesin Academy. In the 19/20 season, Johanna made her role debut as Zerlin  in Don Giovanni to great acclaim in a live-streamed semi-staged performance with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra under Music Director, Daniel Harding.

Already with an enviable experience on the concert platform, Johanna Wallroth has for example performed with Sakari Oramo at Helsinki Music Centre in Mahler, Symphony No 4 and Mozart, Requiem with Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France under Barbara Hannigan. She was soloist on tour to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Dortmund, Köln, Hamburg and Luxembourg with Daniel Harding and the Swedish Radio Orchestra in Mahler, Symphony No 4.

The 2022/23 season opens with a debut at Sweden’s historic Drottningholm Festival as Leocasta in Vivaldi’s Il Giustino with the Drottningholm Theatre Orchestra under George Petrou, and sees her first appearance at Opernhaus Zürich in a ballet production choreographed by Christian Spück based on the Madrigals of Monteverdi and conducted by Christoph Koncz.

Named as Classical Artist in Residence for the 2022/23 season by the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Johanna Wallroth joins the orchestra for several concerts across the season including Berg, Sieben frühe Lieder with Daniel Harding, Mozart arias with Martin Fröst and Schubert Mass in E-flat with Andràs Schiff.

Marie Henriette Reinhold har uppträtt som solist med bland andra Orchestre des Champs-Élysées, Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, Concerto Köln och Il Giardino Armonico samt med körer som Collegium Vocale Gent, Münchener Bachchor och Kammerchor Stuttgart. Bland operarollerna kan nämnas Grevinnan i Albert Lortzings Tjuvskytten, Fricka i Wagners Rhenguldet, Cornelia i Händels Julius Caesar och tredje damen i Mozarts Trollflöjten. Hon har uppträtt vid Bayreuth-festivalen flera gånger, bland som Grimgerde i Wagners Valkyrian. Hon medverkar på ett flertal inspelningar från olika skivbolag, bland annat i Haydns Stabat Mater med Kammerchor Stuttgart och Frieder Bernius, Bachs Johannespassion under ledning av Peter Schreier och Matteuspassionen med Hans-Christoph Rademann.

Tenoren Joel Annmo har mottagit ett flertal priser och utmärkelser, såsom Birgit Nilsson-stipendiet och Luciano Pavarotti Award för bästa manliga röst i Viotti Music Competition i Italien. Annmo har medverkat I ett stort antal uppsättningar vid Kungliga Operan, bland annat kan nämnas Tamino i Mozarts Trollflöjten, Lenskij i Tjajkovskijs Eugen Onegin, Rinuccio i Puccinis Gianni Schicchi och huvudrollen i Bernsteins Candide. Andra engagemang inkluderar bland annat roller som Jamie i Bjarnasons Brothers vid Danska Nationaloperan och Belmonte i Mozarts Die Entführung aus dem Serail vid Stadttheater Bremerhaven. Som konsertsolist har han bland annat framträtt i Hamburg och Nürnberg, och på svenska konsertscener återkommande sjungit i bland annat Mozarts Requiem och Bachs Magnificat. Under hösten 2022 medverkar Annmo i Kungliga Operans uppsättning av Verdis La Traviata, i rollen som Alfredo Germont.

Barytonen Jóhann Kristinsson kommer denna säsong att gästa bland andra Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg i Brahms Requiem och Islands Symfoniorkester i Mahlers Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen. På Staatsoper Hamburg kommer han att medverka i uppsättningar av Donizettis Don Pasquale och han medverkar också i Haydns Årstiderna tillsammans med Bachakademie Stuttgart. Kristinsson har mottagit ett flertal priser, såsom juryns pris från Wiener Musikverein och han erhöll första pris i prestigefyllda Stella Maris Vocal Competition 2019. 2018 utnämndes han till årets mest lovande unga musiker i Icelandic Music Awards och året innan vann han publikens pris vid International Vocal Competition Das Lied i Heidelberg. Han har uppträtt vid festivaler som Oxford Lieder Festival och Dresdner Musikfestspiele och med dirigenter som Pier Giorgio Morandi, Bertrand de Billy, Kent Nagano och Herbert Blomstedt. Han har studerat för Bergþór Pálsson på Island och därefter vid Hanns Eisler School of Music i Berlin.


Chief conductor of the Jeune Choeur de Paris, he started a collaboration with the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart in 2013 (including a recording of Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloé), and also works regularly with the Chœur de Radio-France and the Choeur Accentus since 2014, for tours, radio performances, recordings, preparations and A Cappella concerts. He collaborates with many personalities, such as Sir Simon Rattle, Gustavo Dudamel, Daniele Gatti, Louis Langrée, Stéphane Denève, Daniel Harding, Laurence Equilbey, L. G. Alarcon… He has also conducted the WDR Rundfunkchor in 2016. In July 2016, he has prepared both the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart and the NDR Chor for Berlioz’s Romeo et Juliette. In 2017, he has participate to the opening of the Seine Musical conducting the choir accentus and in 2018, he starts a collaboration with the Croatian Radio Choir. Korovitch works for many festivals: the Mozartwoche in Salzburg, Recontres Musicales d’Evian, the Festival de Radio-France in Montpellier or the festival Mozart in New York.

Approximate concert length: 2 hours 10 min, including intermission